Older step by step Masterstudy gifs
11 Jan 2014
Here are some older step by steps I'd like to add to this section.
Some elaboration on the gifs:
1. This is just a simple big shapes simple colours towards smaller details and subtle colour gradients type of approach.
2. Something different trying to work on separated layers, working from background to foreground.
3. Here I work from blurry to sharp to have the impression I'm just sharpening the image with my brushwork, very satisfying type of work.
4. Not so proud about this approach, its messy and has a big uncanny valley. Not all step by steps are meant as a good example, this is how to not do it :P
5. This is a better way, clean steps; first a solid line drawing, adding in colours, refining shape, checking forms and resemblance before adding in some details and finally finishing the whole as a pretty illustration.
I hope you like these kind of posts. Let me know If you have any requests!